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Help Frock Cancer! Each year I wear a dress every day during October to raise money for Frocktober... I encourage other women to participate...but what if you suffer from thigh chafe and can't wear dresses? This is how I hoped to bring awareness to both issues and raise money for an important cause and have fun!

Miss Monroes wants to empower women of all backgrounds and fashion styles to help support this common cause. We know there are a lot of women out there suffering from chafe, who have given up on wearing dresses...We hope to change this forever and as an amazing bonus they can join in this frocking fabulous fundraising campaign each year!
  • 2 min read

I receive many comments from women expressing how they haven't worn dresses or skirts for years.

They felt it was their "lot" in life to wear trousers or leggings under dresses. The reason?...

  • 2 min read
My goal is not to simply apply a positive slant to the issue of thigh rub. I actually feel it's about removing the shame that too many women have around their thighs...
  • 2 min read

Have you been looking for a glamorous AND comfortable solution to thigh chafe?
Is it possible?  
Well Miss Monroes has been road tested and reviewed by @curvecreation instagram blogger, Curvy Gal Pinup, Lingerie lover Boss babe and glorious owner of @daisyjean_floral

Read her experience with Miss Monroes and see photos here

  • 1 min read
This is my story in finding peace with my body...
Since 15 years old, I thought if I could just be slim, I'd be happy. I searched for years for the quick fix to that happiness. Oh how many years I wasted in this depressing pursuit, instead of living my life. 
If only I had made peace with my body, I would have found happiness in an instant (free of charge, no diet or program or years of struggling and frustration needed).
The reason so many women struggle with making peace with their body, is they...
  • 7 min read
Designing Miss Monroes not only saved my thighs, they actually saved me too. They helped me find my way from body hate to acceptance and find my self confidence!
I was so stuck in my head of constant anxiety and pain about how ugly and fat...
  • 3 min read

Miss Monroes Lingerie for Thighs, has made my summer - no more thigh chafe!

You won’t usually catch me flashing my underwear, but this time, I’m quiet willing to give you a flash…WHY? Because, I want the world to see these...

  • 3 min read

Do you think you are huge or hideous?  Neurologically, women tend to overestimate the size of their bodies, thinking they are larger and fatter than they actually are.

That's me on the left in the sumo suit...

  • 3 min read
It's taken me years to learn to love my thighs and I never ever thought I'd be putting photos of them on social media!
I haven't lost weight or photoshopped them, I just started to appreciate them and now I love them.  You may argue it's a good angle or it doesn't show my cellulite (which 90% of women have), but..
  • 2 min read

I was taught to only present my best self to others, to avoid judgement or criticism.. but my experience has instead taught me that by presenting your most authentic self to others and being proud of who you are brings

  • 2 min read

The BodyKind blog is about encouraging each other to look upon our bodies as well as our fellow human's bodies with kinder eyes.  

Being BodyKind is about being mindful of our thoughts and increasing positive and kind thoughts towards our own bodies first and then extending this to others.

Why?   If you are like me, it can seem impossible to think positively about your body when we are taught to focus only on what needs to be improved.

For a long time, I found it very difficult to 'love my body'...

  • 2 min read

Thigh chafing happens! 

We all have uniquely shaped bodies. We all sweat. 

We all have different natural body temperatures and we all have our unique skin type. 

Preventing thigh chafe should be as normal as using a bra for support, wearing active apparel while sweating it out, using deodorant and wearing shoes to protect and support our feet.

For too long we have been made to feel that thigh chafing is a fat problem.

And yet even when I was at my slimmest (size 8) my thighs still chafed!...

  • 2 min read
