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Making Thigh Chafe Sexy...

  • 2 min read

Making Thigh Chafe Sexy...

Hello Wednesday! 

Today I've teamed my navy blue wrap dress with my "Silver Screen Goddess" Lingerie For Thighs (LFTs)  and feeling rather Hollywood!   

female sitting showing silver trimmed lingerie shorts under dress
Why do I wear these?

Well if you've seen any of my Facebook posts @missmonroes you'll know that I am passionate about changing the stigma of thigh chafe (also nicknamed chub rub in the USA) to a more empowered way of thinking.

Just as a little known fact here... I found out that some of our US friends actually like the name chub rub and think it's a cute description. Who knew?

My goal is not to simply apply a positive slant to the issue of thigh rub. I actually feel it's about removing the shame that too many women have around their thighs. I personally spent most of my 20's and 30's in shame about my legs, particularly my thighs. 

I suffered from thigh chafe and if I ever mentioned it, I was immediately ridiculed for not being thin enough. 
So I dieted and lost weight, got down from size 14 to size 8 - and it took all my focus to do so, I had no life!

And guess what? 
I still suffered thigh chafe! And I was grumpy and hungry!

Oh and in case you wonder... My thighs don't suddenly change shape in winter and stop chafing!  Some will only experience it during summer but most have it year round.  #ilovemycurves

Red lace trimmed lingerie for thighs under a green skirt

My message to all ladies is, if you don't personally experience thigh rub, have a thought for the women in your life.... your friend or colleague or family member probably has had it at one point in their life, it's that common!

Be kind, every human has a thing they wish they didn't. We are all in it together. Spreading awareness never hurts. 💖

Love THIGH self! 

#nomoreshapewear #comfort #practicalglamour #bodykindness
#chafefree #antichafingshorts #notshapewear #Workwear 
#stylist#workyourwardrobe #buysecondhand #loveyourthighs 
#thighwarriors#selflove #gratitude #empowered #innerconfidence 
