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I've ended the war on my thighs!

  • 2 min read

I've ended the war on my thighs!

Do you love your thighs?

Most women don't and what a shame when:
  • thighs support our bodies to walk, run and play...
  • they allow us to bend down to speak to our children and lift them up to hug and hold them
  • thighs give you the gift of dance, row, lift, (even when you hate them)! 
It's taken me years to learn to love my thighs and I never ever thought I'd be putting photos of them on social media!
I haven't lost weight or photoshopped them, I just started to appreciate them and now I love them.
You may argue it's a good angle or it doesn't show my cellulite (which 90% of women have), but this is about loving and showing kindness to them. It's about paying attention to your good qualities just as you could look for the good in others... You end up experiencing what you put your attention on.
Bit by bit, day by day, I thanked my thighs for my ability to walk, dance, swim, lift my nephews up to hug them, travel the world and wrap them around my partner.
I've ended the war on my thighs. It's time for peace and acceptance and seeing the best in them. I've adopted random acts of THIGH KINDNESS and this photo is one of many I've taken to capture the moment I showed kindness to my thighs.
I choose gratitude for my thighs and not focus on trying to make them look like someone's else ideal, I love them as they are and they are bringing me so much more peace and happiness because of that!

How do you feel about your thighs? Can you be kinder to them? If you could pay them a compliment, what would it be?

Love THIGH-self ladies! 💖💛💚💜💙
